Bohr Model of Hydrogen Atom
Try out different models by shooting light at the atom. In 1913 Niels Bohr obtained the energy levels and spectral frequencies of the hydrogen atom after making a number of simple assumptions in order to correct the failed classical model. Hydrogen Atom Pictures Photos Images Of Chemistry Science For Kids Hydrogen Atom Atom Model Science For Kids Niels Bohr proposed the atomic Hydrogen model in 1913. . Electrons can only be in certain discrete circular orbits or stationary states thereby having a discrete set of possible radii and energies. An electron is a particle that is a. Emission spectrum of hydrogen. The Bohr model of the hydrogen atom was the first atomic model to successfully explain the atomic hydrogen radiation spectra. All of the orbitals that have the same value of n make up a shell. The Bohr model of the atom a radical departure from earlier classical descriptions was the first that incorporated quantum theor...